Sunday, November 10, 2013

What have the Seahawks tought me about retirement planning?

Admittedly I'm not a football follower or a fan, however this year our own Seahawks are THE team.

I've learned some very important life lessons from the Seahawks, their coach and our young quarter back. A things many of us take for granted but should really take into heart, remember and when applicable use to tune up our own plan.

Listed below are just a handful of these lessons.

1. Some times it's takes a number of tries to succeed, or if you don't succeed at first...

2. Trying times call for new leadership and different ideas.
We call it a second opinion or a fresh set of eyes to review the way things are currently done.
Remember, going to the advisor who's ideas and plans you are currently using for his\her thoughts on new things is like going to the Doctor who's suggested a surgery for a second opinion.
Only a new Doctor can provide you with a second opinion. Preferably a specialist.
If your old advisor failed to inform you about the things you brought up after talking to a retirement specialist, are they really looking after your best interest. The Seahawks didn't reward the old coach for poor performance, they got a new Coach.

3. You sometimes need new talent that isn't conforming to the old ideas and the old ways.
Not that the old team we have taking care of things is bad, perhaps it's just a little stale.
As the old expression says: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting new results is the definition of...if your station in life has changed, it may be time to change the way you do things in a way that reflects on your stage of life.

4. New direction or a plan.
Some times a few simple changes can put us on a new path, or as we say: using our GPS to help you navigate. Or if you are drifting without a direction set a course. Not having a plan is like a ship without a rudder. Headed nowhere.

Taking to heart these life lessons, we always try to provide our families we serve fresh ideas and little tweaks as needed to improve and subtly make corrections in the direction we are headed to adjust to the different bumps in the road life put in our way.

not meant to promote any products. Simply an observation.

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